First of all, I would like to recall you that now you can have many informations through the website. If you don't know some climb, go to this climb, you have there all the names of the members having claimed it and you can contact them directly by the website. It will be an help for you to know better the climbs. Generally, the solution A keeps the current big, the solution B is in favour of a change.

Recall : 4 votes on 6 are necessary to change. Don't vote before the official date in november, please ! Thanks in advance to the 6 judges of the list : Michal, Coen, Alain, Etienne, Gabriele and Kevin. Presi-Dan

There will be 3 kinds of votes :

1) CHANGES-2010 (2 suggestions)

According to our rules, the real request for changes

1.1. [TRAFFIC] Too much traffic on all approachable mountainsides (that is to say a way with minimum 4 bands)

1.2. [UNRIDEABILITY] Unrideability or obligation to walk and to carry the bike (even an MTB) on all approachable mountainsides (excepted ongoing jobs)

1.3. [MEDIA LOSS] to Have as alone characteristic rewarding to be "media" and more to be part of this running mediatized since in - less 5 years

1.4. [COMPETITION OF DIFFICULTY] to Have as alone characteristic rewarding to be in top5 in Europoints of difficulties entirely dressed in his country or in its chain of mountain and to be confronted with the recent birth of top1 of the same type.

1.5. [COMPETITION OF ALTITUDE] to Have as alone characteristic rewarding to be in top5 the highest ascents entirely dressed in his country or in its chain of mountain and to be confronted with the recent birth of top1 of the same type.


From many french members - rule 1.2 -The road leading to the top of our wellknown Puy-de-Dôme is closed to any trafic since now until spring 2012. We'll see with the judges of the list what we'll do, or we'll wait for the opening in 2012 with the new railway climbing this old vulcan, or we'll find a temporary new big very near by during this period. Deux Alpes and Orcières-Merlette suggested by Gabriele for professional cycling events, Andrion suggested by Jerry Nilson according to sceneries and difficulty.

Vote - solution A : keep Puy-de-Dôme and wait 2 years for the new opening of the road - solution B : Deux Alpes or Orcières Merlette or Col de l'Andrion


From Claudiu Moga - Michal Ksiazkiewicz and Gheorghe Nicodin - rule 1.1 & rule 1.5 - becomes a kind of motorway,but not really - simply high speed possible - more the new highest surfaced road appeared in Passo Urdele (they currently work on the last kilometer but ALL will be surfaced) see photo photo photo photo - rule 1.5 and see the forum changes 2010 - Claudiu Moga suggested a slopy wall in his region at the place Siria with a monastery on the bottom and on the top - see the forum changes 2010 too !

Solution A : keep Pasul Tihuta - solution B : Passo Urdele or Siria


Our rule is : The top of a BIG may be

1) upper !

[if the road added upper is totally surfaced OR if the road added gives a plus (steep gradients or marvelous landscapes or used arrivals of prestigious races] AND if the name of the new top upper doesn't delete the reputation (wellknow name) of the BIG when the name down is more known.

2) lower !

if the final section became completely unrideable whatever the bike used OR if the final section is now forbidden all along the year all the time of every day Or if the final section didn't give nothing more to the climb according to his flat area, bad landscape and bad surface and if the lower point is more known than the upper one.

3) shortly moved !

if the move is very short and let the main part of the climb similar AND if the move adds an agreement to the climb : quality of the surface and steep gradients or landscapes or mediatic arrival.


From spanish members : Puerto da Navacerrada (1860m) is the pass. Upper, a cement road goes over 2000m to Bola del Mundo and was the amazing and passionant final of a stage in the Vuelta 2010.

Vote - solution A : keep Navacerrada - solution B : Bola del Mundo


From Wim Van Els - Durckkaseralm (1513m) is the top of a surfaced road. Upper, it's still surfaced to Durchkaser Bergstation (1666m) and afterwards gravelled to Steinplatte, the most wellknown mount of the region (1800m) .

Vote - solution A : keep Durchkaseralm - solution B : Bergstation - solution C : Steinplatte


From Wim Van Els - The bottom of the skilift (1491m) called Hochkar can be followed by a narrow surfaced road, 2,5km long, more interesting, with more scenery and the speepest section to the top of the skilift (1770m) called Geischlagerhaus.

Vote - solution A : keep Hochkar - solution B : Geischlagerhaus