I sent my inscription to the Ironbig in the month of January 2010.
About the choice of the climb my mind went quickly at the Bigs near my house, Bernina, Mortirolo, Stelvio, Gavia……..for Bernina and Mortirolo I can start with the bike from my house…….for Stelvio and Gavia it is better reach the foot with the car .
I erased Bernina because it is a too much traffic road, but above all because for to climb it needs a lot of time (35 km from Tirano , I had to use the weekend, impossible in the late afternoon after work !!) …..the same for Stelvio and Gavia, too much free- time needed.

So, my main problem was this : find the TIME !!!!.......and my choice was headed about this fact : choose a Big near home that I could had do it in the late afternoon after work, naturally in the long days of the summer.
It remained the famous Mortirolo…..half an hour on the flat by bike from my house in Tirano…..and a very famous climb known everywhere.
My idea was to begin in the winter for to do at least 2 or 3 climbs before the spring – summer.
Many of you remember my climb in January 2009 with the mountain bike on a wonderful snowed surface, very compact snow flatted by the local motor-sledge that use the Mortirolo in the winter for their fun …………so, in this 2010 I try many times to reach the top on the snow, but unfortunately, and differently respect the 2009, the road was always iced, not snowed, but iced like a skating field, so also with nails-tyres it was impossible and too much dangerous have a climb.
Never forget that the 2010 was very important about the meters of snow falled down ……

The road was so opened only some days before the stage of the Giro d’ Italia, at the end of May, and I had to wait the passage of the “Corsa Rosa”, for to plane something.

I was on the way to say NO to the Ironbig , like I said to the Presi-Dan in UK meeting in middle May ; it remained me 5, maybe 6 months for to climb 25 times the Mortirolo.
It means give all my free time to that terrible slope………


One Saturday, in the late afternoon, it was the 5 of June, I decided to approach the first ramps from Mazzo, the classic hard side, above all for to see my condition, and after this first impression decide or not to begin the Ironbig.

The climb was terrible, both for the hot and probably for the not great conditions of mine in that day ; ..... I was not sure to decide to start the Ironbig ……..

In June there are the longest days of the year, so in my mind there was only one question : Mauro, if you want to do the 25 Mortirolo , you have to decide NOW , not tomorrow, but now, because it could be too much late.

After 3 days, the next Tuesday, I was just on that hard slope for the second time; this one went very well (strangely, it was fresh) , I did a good climb ……..the decision was taken, GOOOOOOOOO!!!

For the explanation of every climbs, give a look to the other comment ;

Here , instead, you will find some of my considerations-thoughts about this extraordinary and experience that I will never forget :

For a 2 thousand Km a year cyclist like me (and now not too much younger, I am 47, this has been a great challenge and a great final result…….I have no much free time for to go with the bike, so I use this time only for climbing (…and I really hate pedaling on the flat……..) ; so, did 25 Mortirolo in 4 months with few Km in the legs, for me has been absolutely a fantastic result.

2)…… GIVE ALWAYS THE MAX …... !!!
One of my fundamental rules was / is : to do all the climbs giving always the maximum, each time (means no tourist climbing, but always push at my best) . …..and for have the power to give the maximum, I decide to have the right rest between each single climb : if possible 3-4 days for give time to the body to recuperate……………. I did it !!!.

3) …. ANY STOP !!!!!
Second rule : do all the climbs without any stop (this is a fundamental rule for every climbs I have to do ) , I did it !!!!

4) ….WHICH SIDE ????.............and WHICH BIKE ??
My desire was to do the most of the 25 climbs from Mazzo, because it is the classic side, it is the hardest and……………a challenge is a challenge, or not ???
So, only in 4 times I did the other two roads (2 from Grosio and 2 from Monno), for to give importance to these sides because they are easier but very nice climb, and worth both a visit (above all Grosio side deserve total respect) ;

About bike…….I would like to use more different bikes than possible…..…, at the end, 5 bikes took part at the Mortirolo Ironbig……….I would like also to use an MTB-VTT but on the tarmac road it is not a pleasure !!!!!

I discovered that my body works better in the morning climbs ; in the afternoon my chrono-climb- time were always higher respect the morning ;

After the first 5-6 climbs my chrono- time have had a great improvement ; I did the fatest climb the 4 of september (climb n 19) , in the morning ….
…..after some climbs you know very well the road, and you understand better when to push more and when go regular without exaggerate in the steepest parts ……
…here a story happened one day =

“” during the climb of 4 july it happened an interesting thing that explain what I said above about to know the road you climb : after  2  km  from  the  start from Mazzo,  in  the "only"   10-12 %  slope of the first part ,  I  overtook  a  cyclist,  like  me  with  a  race  looked  like  old about like  me............... At  the  km  n. 4  ,  when  the  very  steep  (20-22 %)   part  begin,  I  turn  back  my  eyes  and  I  see   him  behind  me.......he  went  more  than  me in  this  steep  part,  and  he  overtook me.I  thought   in  my  mind   2  things   :
a)  that  cyclist  was  very   strong ;
b)  that  cyclist  don’t  known very well  the  Mortirolo.For  a  long  time  during  ascent    I  did  not  see  him  in  front  of  me,  and I thought.........that 
is  really   a  strong  cyclist  !!!!
When  the  steep  part   finished,   at  3  km  to  the  top,  suddenly,  behind  a  hairpin,  I  saw  him...........he  pedaled  very  tired   and  very slow...........I  passed  him  and  I  arrived  to  the  top  many  minutes  before  ....

I  know  the  road  better  than  him,  and  I  know  that  Mortirolo must be  divided  in  3  parts :
a)  from  km  0  to  3    -   you can  go  fast  ....steep  12-14  %....max 18% but for few meters……
b)  from  km 3  to  9  -  terrible  have  to  NOT  NOT  NOT exaggerated,  but  climb  MORE  REGULAR  AS  POSSIBLE …
c)  from  km  9  to  12  -  the road  become  easier (?) ,  12-14  %......max point 16 % can go  faster  (IF  YOU  HAVE  ENERGY !!!)CONCLUSION  :  that   cyclist   don’t   known   the   he   went  fast   in   the   central   steep   part   (6  km  long  !!)   and  he  burned  all  his  energy !!!!!!!!  .........I  passes  him  like  I  was  on  a motor-bike...............and   he  don’t  believed  at  his  eyes   when  I  passed  him ,  because  probably   he   thoughts   to  have  given  to  me  a lot  of   distance......””


I did for experiment 2 climbs without to do breakfast , but after a good dinner the evening before ; well, I have had absolutely NO problems during that climbs also without breakfast ; but it has been only a test….all we know how important is the breakfast !!

…….. about pedaling in the dark ……. it could seemed a strange thing, but I noticed that during the climb of the 07 august in the dark, I gave less importance to the slope……or maybe, the road seemed not so hard and steep………………probably because it was impossible to see the road in front of you ??……and psychologically I remember that my mind thought only to pedal, and not to worry about the steep section that waited me……I remember very well to have told to my sons that were alongside me with the quad that the climb seemed less steep than usual !!!!!!!!!
……….incredible sensation !!!

I remember that during the descent I met in the middle of the road a couple of deer and a roe …….wonderful………but also dangerous……do you know how many cars are involved in accident with the animals here ??? do you imagine a crash with the bike with one of these deer ??? …….so, I decided that was better go slow in descent, also because the road is narrow and there are many blind curves ……


I did the 25 climbs with 25 different jersey, for to do at the end a poster for remember me this great challenge.
I want to thanks all the friends helped me for to have new jerseys (thanks Roland Schuyer and Kleijberg shop for their jersey - thanks Francois Candau for his personal old Peugeot maillot and Haute Normadie uniform - thanks Claudio Montefusco for Club Saint Andreu Barcelona - thanks Johanna Kovacs for Union Jack and Marmite jerseys – thanks Corrado Spada for old Bianchi maillot……..)


For the n. 20 I decided , in honour of the old Peugeot jersey gave me from the Frenchman Francois Candau, to use one of my old bike “Bianchi”…..a 1985 model ……a bike made of steel, 11 kg, not properly a bike like the one of today…….but the great difference was the gear……my old Bianchi have a 39 in front……….and for me, users since the beginning of my career of the compact of 34 teeth ( I want to remember that I am a serious cyclist only since 2004, before, with the bike, I just went to buy the newspaper…..) , climb the Mortirolo with the 39 was really a strange experience………
I needed half a climb (6 km) for to find a regular pedal………before , I remember, it seemed the bike want not to come up………I had to stand up many times, but the road was wet………in conclusion, an interesting experience, but I desired to come back quickly to my compact !!!!!


12)………..THE DAY MORTIROLO said…… NOOOOOOO !!!!
Thursday 15 july I attached another time the road and , after 5 km , in the middle of the hardest part, I “heard a voice”………….it was Mr. Mortirolo that said to me : “…..Mauro, it is better to come back home today…….why continue in this hell (hot) ???.......”
….it was incredible hot and humid, I sweated like a river, my heart - beat was terrible high, so I decided for the first time to not continue the climb, and to wait more fresh temperature !!!
Wise decision !!!! this is the only time my body refused to go away….

When I missed 8 climbs to the target I began to have some bad thoughts in my mind : the day became shorter and it was impossible to go after the work……..the 18 of sept in Mortirolo road there was a stage of a rally- car race , so the drivers, in the days before the race, try and try and try the road……so road was closed for some days !!!!.......
……...Will I be able to finish the Ironbig , I thought ?????

…and then…… if I take a flu for some days ??? and if I had a physical accident, maybe also a simple accident ???? ohhhh… would be a pity throw away some Mortirolo done in 3 months !!!!! sometimes I was worried not to be able to finish the challenge……


It will be because I am a mountain man, but I like the cold …….and I hate the hot !!
….for this climbing with more than 30° degrees with high humidity has been terrible hard for me………

I like it very much !!.......after the first moment while you pass from dry to wet, then things go better, and for me climbing Mortirolo under grey sky and rain was really great!!!
…the only problem was that with wet road it is difficult to pedal stand up……the rear wheel slip like on the ice…….so you have to stay sit on the saddle most of the time……..but when the slope is not too much steep, it is possible to find the right balance of the weight of your body , and try to stand up pedaling…..

I would like that my old “Bianchi Sprint 1976” take part of this Ironbig………why not try a climb with the bike my dad bought me when I was 13 years old ?? …the choice of the climb was Monno side, because with the hard gears the Bianchi 1976 have (39-24) , from Mazzo it should be a not satisfating climb…….but also from Monno side there are part at 15 % with max 17 %......I had to stand up on the pedal and push very strong ……at the beginning of the climb I thought that should be impossible do the entire road without stop and without put the feet on the ground……..but at the end I was able to finish the climb with any stops……….I had only to push very strong on the last 2 km, the steepest of the Monno side……….I weared old clothes, the same of Fausto Coppi, and during the climb I thought about that hard times with that hard gears….Coppi, Bartali & Co were really great climbers !!!!!!!..............

I am very proud to have been able to brought the bike of my youthness……so high !!!


17)…..IN MEMORY ……
At the end of the climb with my old Bianchi, my wife took some pictures with the sign "Mortirolo Pass" ... .. but this time not the sign with the usual plate , but with what is found on the side of Monno.
I noticed a small metal plate in Dutch language... ... ... ... .. about a cyclist who died in June 2010, and the words engraved on it was clear that he loved a lot the Mortirolo ... ... ... so I mailed the photo to the member Big Martin Kool who managed to contact the wife of the cyclist, Hans, died of cancer at the age of 54 ... ... I have had several exchanges of emails with this woman;
I want to dedicate also to them this experience.

... I made one of the 25 climbs with the shirt of one of my favorite rock bands, the Gotthard. ... Just last week in a road accident has killed the singer, Steve Lee, who accompanied me with his voice in all these years ... ... I've never met him personally but I considered him like a friend ... ...
…a BIG thoughts are also to him; infact in the video that you can see on Youtube
I have used a Gotthard song to accompany the images.-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Sunday 10 - 10 - 2010 at 10 am leaving for the last climb of this wonderful experience ... .. with a bike a little special ... ... the old bike of my wife .... brand “LERI” , the bike that today that I use to go shopping ... ... .. it is a lot of time that I wanted to engage a climb with this bike d ... ... ... and the opportunity just came.
About the climb, what can I say ??......
First ... .... I had to go as smooth as possible with this bike cos it is very difficult to pedal up because it takes a very unnatural position ... ....
Second ... .. not having the clips on the pedals, the ride was just pushing down with no possibility of pulling ... .... I should also be careful not to slip on the pedals having no attack ... ...
Third ... ... on a climb like this, the typical tourist handlebars would not allow to stand up and exercising power ... ...
Fourth ... .. in the end I used "only" 15 minutes longer than my record with the race bike ... .. I thought sincerely to spend more time ... ... I am very happy with the result!
Fifth ... .. I was afraid that the bike had some mechanical problems ... ... but especially my fear was that it breaks the delicate aluminum handlebars ... ... ... ... in the end everything went well!
So , beautiful end of my Ironbig!



Sides =
21 climbs from MAZZO - average slope 10,50 % - max slope 22 %
2 climbs from GROSIO - average slope 8,3 % - max slope 21 %
2 climbs from MONNO - average slope 7,6 % - max slope 17 %

Bikes =
17 climbs with Carbon “Spada” - weight kg 7,7 - (max gears front 34 - rear 29)
5 climbs with Alu “Spada” - weight kg 8,4 - (max gears front 34 - rear 32)
1 climb with steel “Bianchi 1985” - weight kg 10,8 - (max gears front 39 - rear 29)
1 climb with steel “Bianchi Sprint 1976” - weight kg 11,5 - (max gears front 39 - rear 24)
1 climb with woman bike LERI - weight kg 15,2 - (max gears front 32 - rear 28)

Most gears used = Front : 34 or 39
Rear :
Km 0 - 3 = 21-23-25-27
Km 3 - 9 = 25-27-29
Km 9 - 12 = 21-23-25-27

First climb = 05 june 2010
Last climb = 10 october 2010
Total mt climbed = 33.000 mt
Total km (only climb) = 328 km
Total time = 31 hours (only CLIMBS)
75 hours (start from Tirano - climb- photos - descent – back home in Tirano)

Max speed touched during climbs = km/h 23.

Average calories for single climb = 1.300

Animals crossing in the middle of the road =
2 deer - 1 roe - 5 squirrel - 1 snake - 1 hawk

Cyclists crossing on the road…….A LOT !!!!!!!!!

NO tyre- punctures in all the challenge

NO mechanic problems with bikes in all the challenge

NO physical problems (cramps….) in all the challenge

Climbed With =
18 climb alone
1 climb with another Big member - Marco Mosconi
4 climbs with my sons (with quad or car for take photos)
1 climb with my wife (with car for take photos)
1 climb with my entire family (with car for take photos)

Weather =
6 climbs SUNNY - VERY HOT – HUMID (more than 30°)
7 climbs SUNNY - HOT (25-30°)
4 climb SUNNY - FRESH (10-20°)
1 climb CLOUDY
5 climbs RAIN – WET ROAD
1 climb DARK (early morning)
1 climb FOG

When =
11 climbs in the morning ( the early one reached the top at 6.50 am)
14 climbs in the afternoon (the later one reached the top at 19.55 pm)